
Debord, Guy [ Textos]

Pra vocês o mais que conhecido Sociedade do Espetáculo, além dos Comentarios sobre a Sociedade do Espetáculo e também o pequeno livro Panegírico. Em português.

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Deleuze, Gilles [ Post-scriptum sobre as sociedades de Controle ]

O tão popular texto que, com menos de 10 páginas, conseguiu dar origem a dezenas de dissertações e teses. Isso é que é o verdadeiro milagre da multiplicação! Em português.

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Riesman, David [ The Lonely Crowd ]

Clássico absoluto da sociologia americana, A multidão Solitária, de David Riesman, em inglês.

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Questão Palestina

Livros completos

Black - The Transfer Agreement - The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine (only first 3 chapters).pdf
Cohen Avner Israel And Chemical Biological Weapons 2001.pdf
Columbia University Press - Beyond the Handshake - Multilateral Cooperation in the Arab-Israeli Peace Process - 1991-1996.pdf
Discovering Islam Making Sense of Muslim History and Society.pdf
Dr Tommy Ice - Myths About Israel And Palestine.pdf
ESS 028 - The Arab-Israeli Conflict_The Palestine War 1948_ocr.pdf
Ess028 - 2002 - The Arab-Israeli Conflict - The Palestine War 1948.pdf
Facts about the Palestine Problem- Palestinian Israeli Conflict.pdf
Finkelstein, Israel & Silberman, Neil A. Keine Posaunen vor Jericho.pdf
Greek Into Arabic - Essays On Islamic Philosophy.Richard Walzer.Harvard University Press.1969.pdf
Holocaust Victims Accuse Zionist Jewish War Criminals - Reb Moshe Shonfeld (Jew - Judaism - Zionism- Illuminati - Palestine - Israel - Terrorism - Jewish Lobby In America).pdf
Israel - Palestine History Of Conflict & Background.pdf
Israel (Palestine) Before Zionism.pdf
Israel Biological And Chemical Weapons - Avner Cohen - New York Columbia University Press 1998 - p27.pdf
Israeli Sex Slave Trade - Amnesty International (Human Rights Abuses Women Trafficked Former Soviet Union Israels Sex Industry Prostitute).pdf
Jews for justice in the Middle East - Israel - Palestine History of Conflict & Background [Spa].pdf
Judaism Master Race Ideology Supremacist Religion Zionist Israel Racism Holocaust Blackmail Vanunu Nukes Whistleblower Interview 20050827.txt
Norman Finkelstein Calls Professor Alan Dershowitz's New Book On Israel A 'hoax' (Democracy Now, 2003-09-24).pdf
Oxford University Press - Holy War, Holy Peace - How Religion Can Bring Peace to the Middle East.pdf
Oxford University Press - Who Owns Judaism - Public Religion and Private Faith in America and Israel.pdf
Palestine - 30 Little Known Facts About Israel.doc
Palestine 1917-1948.pdf
Palestine Edward Said.doc
Palestine, Israel and the Arab-Israeli Conflict.pdf
Palestine, Jihad And The Nazi Connection.pdf
Problem of Palestine - Palestinian Israeli Conflict - Basic Facts.html

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>> Download link 2

Ricoeur, Paul

Textos de Ricoeur, incluindo o livro completo Freud and Philosophy

Dudley, Andrew - Tracing Ricoeur.pdf
JSTOR Ricoeur, Paul - Phenomenology and Hermeneutics.pdf
Ricoeur - Narratividad.pdf
Ricoeur, Paul - El Mal. Desafío a la Filosofía y a la Teología.doc
Ricoeur, Paul - Narratividad, Fenomenología Y Hermenéutica.pdf
Ricoeur, Paul, Freud and Philosophy.pdf

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Rawls, John

John Rawls - Theory Of Justice.doc
Rawls (John) - Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy, Harvard UP, 2000.pdf
Rawls 1958 Justice As Fairness.pdf
Rawls John - the Basic Liberties and their Priority.pdf
Rawls, John - Theory Of Justice And Citizenship Education.pdf

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Política Internacional

Livros sobre política internacional, a maioria da Columbia University Press

Columbia University Press - Beyond The Ivory Tower - International Relations Theory And The Issue Of Policy Relevance (2001).pdf
Columbia University Press - Community Under Anarchy Transnational Identity and the Evolution of Cooperation.pdf
Columbia University Press - Destroying the Village -Eisenhower and Thermonuclear War.pdf
Columbia University Press Imperial Ends.pdf
Columbia University Press, Gendering World Politics [2001 Isbn0231113676].pdf
Columbia University Press, The Logic Of Anarchy - Neorealism To Structural Realism [1993 Isbn0231080417].pdf
Columbia University Press,.The Power and Limits of NGOs - A Critical Look at Building Democracy in Eastern Europe and Eurasia.[2002.ISBN0231124902].pdf
Columbia.University.Press,.Chinas.Democratic.Future.How.It.Will.Happen.(2004).EEn.LotB.pdf Columbia.University.Press,.Gendering.World.Politics.(2001).E.pdf
Oxford University Press Forging Democracy The History of the Left in Europe 1850-2000.pdf

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Segunda Guerra

Livros completos sobre 2a guerra e nazi-fascismo

[Cambridge University Press] - A World at Arms - A Global History Of World War II.pdf
Fraser, Law & Ethics After Agamben's Auschwitz.pdf
Germar Rudolf - The Rudolf Report about the 'Gas-chambers' of Auschwitz (2003) - Revisionist.pdf
Oxford University Press - Fascism A Very Short Introduction (2002).pdf
Oxford University Press - Justice Matters - Legacies Of The Holocaust And World War II.pdf
Oxford University Press - The Second World War. A Peoples History.pdf
Oxford University Press - What Hitler Knew - The Battle For Information In Nazi Foreign Policy (2003) (Completo 180 paginas).pdf
Oxford University Press - What Hitler Knew (2003).pdf
Oxford.University.Press.Justice.Matters.Legacies.Of.The.Holocaust.And.World.War.II.eBook-LiB.pdf Princeton University Press - The Order Of Terror - The Concentration Camp.pdf

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Zyn, Howard

Textos de Howard Zinn. O primeiro da lista é uma coletânea de mais 30 ensaios.

Essays By Howard Zinn.pdf
Howard Zinn - A Peoples History Of The United States, ver. 2.24.pdf
Howard Zinn - A People's History of the United States.pdf
Howard Zinn - Class War For A Very Long Time.pdf
Howard Zinn - Federal Bureau Of Intimidation.pdf
Howard Zinn - Growing Up Class Conscious.pdf
Howard Zinn - My Country The World.pdf
Howard Zinn - What War Looks Like.pdf

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>> Download link 2

Said, Edward

Textos de/sobre Edward Said. Para baixar va até o final do post e clique em "Download Link"

Archaeology of the roadmap - Edward Said.doc
Doc - Edward Said - The Public Role of Intellectuals.doc
Edward Said - Orientalism (v1.0) [html].rar
Edward Said - The Alternative United States.doc
Edward Said - Zionism from the standpoint of its victims.pdf
Edward Said_ On Dignity and Solidarity.txt
Edward W. Said - The Clash of Ignorance (2001).pdf
Henry Giroux - Edward Said and pollitics of worldliness.pdf

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Zerzan, John

Textos do autor controverso que prega a volta ao primitivismo, incluindo seu livro completo Against Civilization, com artigos curtos de Sahlins, Freud, Adorno, Spengler, etc..

[PDF-ENG] John Zerzan - Twilight Of The Machines.pdf
John Zerzan - all known articles by the anarchist primitivist writer.rar
John Zerzan - Anarchy After September 11.htm
John Zerzan - City Of Light.html
John Zerzan - Enemy Of The State.htm
John Zerzan - Everyday Life Imperialism.htm
John Zerzan - Future - Primitive.htm
John Zerzan - Future Primitive And Other Essays.zip
John Zerzan - Globalization And Its Apologists An Abolitionist Perspective.txt
John Zerzan - Hakim Bey, Postmodern Anarchist.htm
John Zerzan - Interview - - John Zerzan.htm
John Zerzan - John Zerzan And The Primitive Confusion.htm
John Zerzan - Mass Psychology of Misery.pdf
John Zerzan - Number Its Origin And Evolution.htm
John Zerzan - On The Transition.pdf
John Zerzan - One Wouldn't Buy In.htm
John Zerzan - Remembering Fredy Perlman.html
John Zerzan - Reply By John Zerzan.htm
John Zerzan - Selected Opinions On The Bureau Of Public Secrets 2.htm
John Zerzan - Society.htm
John Zerzan - Star Trek.htm
John Zerzan - The Case Against Art.pdf
John Zerzan - The Catastrophe Of Postmodernism.htm
John Zerzan - Tonality And Totality.htm
John Zerzan - Unions Against Revolution.zip
John Zerzan - We Cannot Confirm The Denial.html
John Zerzan - What - Is - Anarchism.htm
John Zerzan - Whose Unabomber.htm
John Zerzan - Worse & Worse.html
John Zerzan - Youth And Regression In An Infantile Society.htm
John Zerzan - Zerzan And Media An Ignominious Tale.htm
John Zerzan_ Elements of Refusal (1988).rtf

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Chomsy, Noam [ áudio ]

Conferências de Noam Chomsky sobre temas diversos como imperilismo e questão palestina. Dividido em 2 partes. Arquivos Mp3, áudio em inglês.

Parte 1

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Parte 2

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Chomsy, Noam [ textos ]

Textos e artigos de Noam Chomsky, incluindo os livros completos Fateful Triangle e Imperial Ambitions.

Chomsky, Noam – Fateful Triangle – The United States, Israel and the Palestine.pdf
Chomsky, Noam - Israel_US_Palestine.pdf
Chomsky, Noam - On Language And Culture.doc
John Kaminski - Challenge to a Debate (israel zionism jewish supremacism lebanon palestine iraq Chomsky Zinn Goodman progressives essay).doc
Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky and the Media (1993).htm
Noam Chomsky - 1996.04.23 - Israel, Lebanon and the (so called) Peace Process.pdf
Noam Chomsky - 2005.03.29 - Interviewed on globalization, Iraq and Middle East studies.pdf
Noam Chomsky - I MEDIA.htm
Noam Chomsky - Necessary Illusions.pdf
Noam Chomsky - Passion for Free Markets.txt
Noam Chomsky - Prosperous Few And The Restless Many.pdf Noam Chomsky - The Culture of Terrorism.pdf
Noam Chomsky - The Israel Arafat Agreement.doc
Noam Chomsky - The Spectacular Achievements Of Propaganda (1997).pdf Noam Chomsky - Who Runs America.doc

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Foucault, Michel - La gouvernementalité [áudio]

Curso dado no Collège de France em 78 sobre governamentabilidade. Material muito rico: são 4:30 de áudio. Arquivos MP3 em francês. E é o fim dos audios do Foucault, ufa!

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Foucault, Michel - L'herméneutique du sujet [áudio]

Curso dado no Collège de France em 84 sobre hermeneutica do sujeito. São muitos e diversos os topicos abordados, ver a lista de arquivos abaixo. Arquivos MP3, áudio em francês.

01 - michel foucault - le souci de soi.mp3
02 - michel foucault - l'autre.mp3
03 - michel foucault - la parrhêsia.mp3
04 - michel foucault - le courage du parrhêsiaste.mp3
05 - michel foucault - le courage de l'interlocuteur.mp3
06 - michel foucault - parrhêsia et rhétorique.mp3
07 - michel foucault - le dire vrai du prophète.mp3
08 - michel foucault - le dire vrai du sage.mp3
09 - michel foucault - le dire vrai du technicien.mp3
10 - michel foucault - les quatres modes de véridiction antiques.mp3
11 - michel foucault - parrhêsia et christianisme.mp3
12 - michel foucault - parrhêsia et modernité.mp3

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Foucault, Michel - Utopies et Hétérotopies [áudio]

Conferência Utopies et Hétérotopies ministrada em 66. Arquivo MP3, áudio em francês.

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Foucault, Michel - Biopolitique [áudio]

Raridade! Conferência sobre Biopolítica ministrada no Collège de France, em 76. Arquivo MP3, 2:30 de áudio em francês.

Parte 1

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Parte 2

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Foucault, Michel - The Culture of Self [audio]

Raridade! Conferência
intitulada The Culture of Self e ministrada em Berkley, em 83. Arquivo MP3 em inglês.

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Foucault, Michel - textos

Vários textos do Foucault em inglês e português, inclusive coisas que não foram publicadas no Brasil. Alguns artigos sobre sua obra vão juntos no pacote. Para baixar vá até o final do post e clique em "Download Link".

bebergal - a meditation on transgression-foucault, bataille and the retrieval of the limit.rtf
charles taylor- foucault on freedom and truth.pdf
Colebrook, C - Certeau and Foucault Tactics and Strategic Essentialism [SAQ100-2 2001].pdf
DELEUZE GILLES - Desire & Pleasure [Notes On Foucault].rtf
Derrida - Foucault.pdf
Exceeding Hegel And Lacan Fields Of Pleasure In Foucault And Irigaray S Winnubst.pdf
Forgetting Foucault - Acts, Identities, and the History of Sexuality.pdf
Foucault - Body, Power.pdf
Foucault - The Economy of Power.pdf
Foucault And Ethical Universality.pdf
foucault and the politics of resistance.pdf
foucault dictionary project.htm
Foucault Michel - Discourse And Truth.pdf
Foucault Michel - Madness and Civilization.pdf
Foucault michel - Polemics, Politics and Problematizations.pdf
Foucault Michel. Truth, Power, Self.pdf
Foucault On Kant.pdf
Foucault -Theatrum Philosophicum.pdf
Foucault, Michel - A ordem do discurso.htm
Foucault, Michel - alem das fronteiras da filosofia.htm
Foucault, Michel - As técnicas de si.htm
Foucault, Michel - Critica da razao politica.htm
Foucault, Michel - Da amizade como modo de vida.htm
Foucault, Michel - Discourse and Truth; The problematization of parrhesia..pdf
Foucault, Michel - eh importante pensar.htm
Foucault, Michel - Escolha sexual ato sexual.htm
Foucault, Michel - Historical Discourse And Revolutionary Discourse.txt
Foucault, Michel - homem está morto.htm
Foucault, Michel - Intellectuals and Power.pdf
Foucault, Michel - Introducao a vida nao fascista.htm
Foucault, Michel - O filosofo mascarado.htm
Foucault, Michel - o que eh a critica.htm
Foucault, Michel - ocidente e a verdade do sexo.htm
Foucault, Michel - Sexo poder e identidade.htm
Foucault, Michel - Silencio sexo e verdade.htm
Foucault, Michel - Uma estética da existencia.htm
Foucault, Michel - Verdade, poder e si.htm
Foucault, Michel - What Is Enlightenment.pdf
Foucault, Structuralism, and the Ends of History.pdf
Foucault-society must be defended.pdf
Foucault-What Is A Critique.pdf
Greene E. - Sappho, Foucault and Women's Erotics.pdf
Hallward Peter. Foucault and Deleuze.pdf
l foucault - technologies of the self.pdf
Lacan, Foucault.pdf
marshall_Lyotard and Foucault.pdf
Michel Foucault - Power Knowledge - Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977 (Gordon, Colin Ed).doc
Michel Foucault & Gilles Deleuze - Intellectuals and Power.pdf
Michel Foucault and Pornography.htm
Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish, 3.pdf

>> Download link


Roy, Arundhati

Conferências da ativista política Arundhati Roy e o livro dela "The god of small things" completo. Para baixar vá até o final desse post e clique em "Download Link"

Arundhati Roy - a collective pain in the ass.mp3
Arundhati Roy - Bombing For Feminism.mp3
Arundhati Roy - Come September (Lecture held at the Lannan Foundation, 18 Sept 2002).zip
Arundhati Roy - Confronting Empire.mp3
Arundhati Roy - Confronting Empire.pdf
Arundhati Roy - Fascism's Firm Footprint In India.pdf
Arundhati Roy - Instant-Mix Imperial Democracy.pdf
Arundhati Roy - Iraq War response 3.20.03 (8.34).mp3
Arundhati Roy - Mesopotamia, Babylon, The Tigris & Euphrates.pdf
Arundhati Roy - On Globalization And Terrorism, Introduced By Howard Zinn.mp3
Arundhati Roy - Power Politics (28.02).mp3
Arundhati Roy - Public Power in the Age of Empire - SanFran- 8-16-04.mp3
Arundhati Roy-God Of Small Things.pdf

Parte 1

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Parte 2

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Levinas, Emannuel

Beavers - Emmanuel Levinas and the Prophetic Voice of Postmodernity.doc
Ce qu'il nous a appris, par M. Blanchot.doc
Dos heterologías.doc
Emmanuel Lévinas les problèmes de la subjectivité.doc
etica del autosacrificio.doc
freud,lacan, levinas.doc
Intencionalidad y Alteridad - Roberto Walton.doc
Introducing Levinas To Undergraduate Philosophers.doc
Janja Jagodzinski - The Ethics of the Real in Levinas, Lacan & Buddhism.pdf
JSTOR Levinas, Emmanuel - Transcending Words - Concerning Word-Erasing.pdf
Kosky, Jeffrey - Ethics As The End Of Metaphysics (From Levinas And The Philosophy Of Religion).pdf
La bonne oeuvre d'Edmond Husserl - Richard Cohen.doc
Levinas Theoretical Move From An-Archical Ethics To The Realm Of Justice And Politics.pdf
Levinas Anarchism.pdf
Levinas and Political Theory.pdf
Lévinas y el cristianismo.doc
Levinas, Emmanuel - Existentialism and Anti-Semitism.pdf
Levinas, Memory, And The Art Of Writing.pdf
Martin Heidegger marion.doc
NUYEN, A.T. - Realism, Anti-realism, and E.Levinas.pdf
Prosser, Brian - Conscientious Subjectivity in Kierkegaard and Levinas.pdf
The Place of Woman in Emmanuel Levinas´s Totality and Infinity - Immo Pekkarinen.doc
The presence of Being and Time in Totality and Infinity - Taniniaux.doc

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Blanchot, Maurice

Blanchot - Death Sentence.pdf
Blanchot - The Space of Literature.doc
Blanchot - Thomas the Obscure (rev.; C. Krance).pdf
Blanchot, Maurice - Adolphe, or, The Curse of Real Feelings.pdf
Blanchot, Maurice - Bergson and Symbolism.pdf
Blanchot, Maurice - -Berlin-.pdf
Blanchot, Maurice - Enigma.pdf
Blanchot, Maurice - Enigme.pdf
Blanchot, Maurice - Everyday Speech.pdf
Blanchot, Maurice - Glances From Beyond the Grave.pdf
Blanchot, Maurice - The Communication of the Impossible (Suglia).pdf
Blanchot, Maurice - The Instant of My Death.pdf
Blanchot, Maurice - The Main Impropriety (Excerpts).pdf
blanchot, maurice - death sentence.pdf
iyer-blanchot, narration and the event.rtf
Kevin S. Fitzgerald - The Negative Eschatology of Maurice Blanchot.zip

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Pós-Modernismo [ Misc ]

Pacote de textos sobre modernidade, pós-modernidade e Estudos Culturais. Destaque para coletâneas como The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism e Life after post-modernism, além de artigos de Bruno Latour, Niklas Luhmann, Douglas Kellner e Virilio. Dividido em 2 partes

Heidegger and Adorno in Outside Postmodern Culture.pdf
A postmodern grid of the worldmap - An interview with Zygmunt Bauman (2002 Eurozine).pdf
Arslan - Human Rights in postmodernity.pdf
Charles Shepherdson- History And The Real Foucault With Lacan - Postmodern Culture 52.html
Critique of Postmodern Ethics of Alterity Versus Embodied (Muslim) Others - Incompatibility, Diversion or Convergence (2005 Indiana University of Pennsylvania PhD Dissertation).pdf
Fashionable Nonsense Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse Of Science By Alan Sokal And Jean Bricmont.htm
Feminism, Postmodernism and Identity.pdf
Feminism, Science and Postmodernism.pdf
Foucault and Postmodernism.doc
Giddens - Modernism And Postmodernism.pdf
Ihab Hassan - Beyond postmodernism.pdf
Inglehart, Ronald - Globalization and Postmodern Values.pdf
Intellect Books - The Posthuman Condition, Consciousness Beyond the Brain - ISBN 1841500488 - 213s - 2003.pdf
James A Berlin - Poststructuralism, Cultural Studies, And The Composition Classroom - Postmodern Theory In Practice.pdf
Jameson Frederic -- Postmodernism.pdf
Journal_The Postmodern Challenge- Reconstructing Human Geography.pdf
JSTOR Bruno - Postmodernism and Blade Runner.pdf
Jstor Engaged Feminism Via Subversive Postmodern Strategies.pdf
JSTOR Problem of Post-Modernity.pdf
Kroker & Cook - The Postmodern Scene--Excremental Culture and Hyper-Aesthetics.pdf
Lyotard, Epistemologies of Postmodernism--A Rejoinder to Jean-Francois (S. Benhabib).pdf
marshall_Foucault and Postmodernism.pdf
Moreland, J.P. - Pluralism And Four Grades Of Postmodern Involvement.pdf
post modern attitudes and education.pdf
Post Structuralism by Roger Jones.pdf
Postmodern Bisexuality.pdf
Postmodern Discourse.pdf
Postmodern ethnography and the womanist mission.doc
Postmodern Historiography Between Narrativism and Heterology.pdf
Postmodern Politics and the Battle for the Future (best and kellner).doc
Postmodernism and Cinema Issue.pdf
Postmodernism and its problems with science J Bricmont.pdf
Postmodernism as Modernism Pressed for Time - Art RV [2001 Haber].doc
Postmodernism In Sociology International Encyclopedia Of The Social & Behavioral Sciences.pdf
Postmodernism or the Logic of Latter Capitalism.html
Postmodernism, Philosophical Aspects (International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences).pdf
postmodernist jazz theory.pdf
Sim, Stuart (ed) - The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism.pdf
[text] Forlorn Fort - Judith Butler, Ernesto Laclau, And Slavoj Zizek. Contingency, Hegemony,.doc
Anti-modernism, modernism, and postmodernism - Struggling wit.txt
Graeme Kirkpatrick - Modernism & the Aesthetic of Personal Computing.pdf
JSTOR Good Night Modernism.pdf
Larsen, Neil - Postmodernism And Imperialism Theory And Politics In Latin America.html
Loren Goldner - Post - Modernism Meets The Imf The Case Of Poland.htm
Miller Leslie J. - Postmodernism and Critical Feminism.pdf
Modernism - A Catholic Refutatio.pdf
Modernism - Problems Causes Remedies.pdf
Muldoon, Mark S. - Henri Bergson and Postmodernism.pdf
Best & Kellner - Debord and the Postmodern Turn--New Stages of the Spectacle.pdf
Creativity and Change - On the Psychodynamics of Modernity - David P. Levine.pdf
Durkheim's Morals And Modernity (1996 Routledge).pdf
Ferruccio Busoni And The Pursuit Of Modernity.pdf
JSTOR Niklas Luhmann - The Modernity of Science.pdf
modernist aesthetics.pdf
modernist art criticism.pdf
modernity and the plasticity of perception.pdf
Postmodern Terror in a Globalized World, (Commentary, Economics, Michael Peters).pdf
Postmodern Warfare by Stanley Fish.pdf
Virilio - From Modernism to Hypermodernism.pdf
Douglas Kellner The Frankfurt School and British Cultural Studies.PDF
Routledge - A.Easthope - Literary into Cultural Studies.pdf
On Cultural Studies And The Sociology Of Culture.pdf

Parte 1

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Parte 2

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Benjamin, Walter

Benajmin, Walter (About) - Surreal Dreamscapes - Benjamin and the Arcades.pdf
Benjamin Walter - Critique Of Violence.pdf
Benjamin Walter - On hashish.html
Benjamin Walter - The Work of Art.doc
Benjamin Walter The Feuilleton.rar
Benjamin Walter The Prostitute.htm
Benjamin, Walter - Baudelaire [Spa].pdf
Benjamin, Walter - Franz Kafka.pdf
Benjamin, Walter - Naples (from Reflections).pdf
Benjamin, Walter - On the Concept of History.pdf
Benjamin, Walter - The Arcades Project (excerpts).pdf
Benjamin, Walter - Theses On The Philosophy Of History.pdf
Benjamin.Walter..(on) arcade project and internet..by crollason.pdf
Benjamin.Walter..(on) Philosophy of history..by Ronald Beiner.pdf
Benjamin.Walter..the critic and public culture.txt

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Bakhtin, Mikhail

hirschkop - bakhtin-an aesthetic for democracy [review].rtf
Bakhtin and Rabelais - Theory as Praxis_Holquist (JSTOR).pdf
Bakhtin - Creation of a prosaics.pdf
Bakhtin - Rabelais and his world.pdf
Bakhtin, M M 1986 Speech Genres And Other Late Essays Texas University, Austin.doc
Bakhtin,_M.M._1986._Speech_Genres_and_Other_Late_Essays._Texas_University,_Austin.doc Beyond Bakhtin or the Dialogic Imagination in Academia.pdf

>> Download link

Badiou, Alain

Badiou - le terrorisme.pdf
Badiou - On the Truth Process.htm
Badiou - subject of art.doc
BADIOU ALAIN - On Evil (interview).doc
Badiou, Alain - 15 Theses on Contemporary Art.doc
Badiou, Alain - A Conversation with Alain Badiou.doc
Badiou, Alain - Dialectique négative 2.pdf
badiou, alain - fifteen theses on contemporary art.doc

>> Download link

Bataille, Georges

Bataille - Additional Notes on the War.pdf
Bataille - Celestial Bodies.pdf
Bataille - Extinct America.pdf
Bataille - Reflections on the Executioner and the Victim.pdf
Bataille - The Use Value Of D A F De Sade.pdf
Bataille - Un-Knowing and Its Consequences.pdf
Bataille And Sartre--The Modernity Of Mysticism (J -M Heimonet) Diacritics 26-2.pdf
Bataille And Virilio The Eye Of War.pdf
Bataille, Georges - Letter To Rene Char On The Incompatibilities Of The Writer.pdf
Bataille, Georges - Story Of The Eye.pdf
Bataille, Georges - The Solar Anus.doc
Bataille, Georges (About) - Bataille and Sartre--The Modernity of Mysticism (J.-M. Heimonet) Diacritics 26-2.pdf
Bataille, Georges (About) - The Dualist Materialism of Bataille (Hollier).pdf

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Becker, Howard

Um dos clássicos da Sociologia do Desvio, Outsiders, que influenciou todo o estudo sobre subculturas do CCCS, além do Art Worlds.

Becker, Howard S (1973) Outsiders. New York; Free Press.rtf

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Baudrillard, Jean

Baudrillard - America.pdf
Baudrillard - Photography Or The Writing Of Light.pdf
Baudrillard - Seduction.pdf
Baudrillard - What Are You Doing After The Orgy-.pdf
Baudrillard A New McLuhan - Douglas Kellner.doc
Baudrillard, Jean - America (1986) ok.rtf
Baudrillard, Jean - -Between Difference and Singularity- An Open Discussion with Jean Baudrillard- June 2002.pdf
Baudrillard, Jean - Holy Europe.pdf
baudrillard, jean - selected writings_ok.pdf
Baudrillard, Jean - Simulations.pdf
Baudrillard, Jean - The Masses--The Implosion of the Social in the Media.pdf
Baudrillard, Jean - The Spirit of Terrorism.PDF
Baudrillard, Jean - The Violence Of The Global.pdf
Baudrillard, Jean - Total Duplicity Of This War.pdf
Baudrillard, The Spirit Of Terrorism.pdf
Baudrillard's Challenge. A Feminist Reading.pdf
Charles Levin - Power And Seduction - Baudrillard, Critical Theory And Psychoanalysis.rtf
Ctheory Net Dust Breeding By Jean Baudrillard.txt
Jean Baudrillard - Critical Theory And Psychoanalysis.pdf
Jean Baudrillard - Simulacra and Simulation.pdf

>> Download link

Anti-Globalização [ Misc ]

Anti-Globalização, Ativismo e Economia Política

(Anti)Globalization - Kaczynski Theodore - The Unabomber Manifesto --- Web Library.doc
[sociology] (Anti)Globalization - Castells_Manuel - Identity and Change in the Network Society (Interviewed by Harry Kreisler) --- WeB LibrarY.doc
[indymedia].[indypeer.org].Greg.Palast.-.The.Best.Democracy.Money.Can.Buy.-.revised.US.edition.pdf Post-Imperialism.pdf
An Anarchist View of Globalization.pdf
Niklas Luhmann - Globalization Or World Society (Sociology).pdf
Robert McChesney - The Problem of the Media.mp3
Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man. U.S. Globalization - Interview transcript.pdf
Frederic Jameson - Fear And Loathing In Globalization.pdf
Globalization and Imperialism.pdf
Globalization And The Nation-State.pdf
Globalization, Imperialism ,Anti-capitalism and the state we're in.txt
International Political Economy in an Age of Globalization.pdf
Beyond Anti-Globalization, Towards A Deeper Understanding Of Capital And The State.txt

>> Download link 1

Althusser, Louis

(Social Philosophy, Marxism) Althusser - For Marx.pdf
Althusser - Essays in Self-Criticism.pdf
Althusser - Lenin and philosophy.pdf
Althusser - Politics And History - Montesquieu, Rousseau...
althusser & foucault.pdf
Althusser and structuralism.pdf
Althusser And The Renewal Of Marxist Social Theory.pdf
Althusser] On Marxism (form Early Writings).doc
Althusser] Politics and History.pdf
Louis Althusser - Lenin And Philosophy And Other Essays.pdf

>> Download link 1

Adorno, Theodor

Textos de Adorno e sobre ele. Destaque para o livro "Prismas" completo e em espanhol.

Adorno And Heidegger.pdf
adorno, theodor - on popular music.txt
Adorno, Theodor - Prismas.pdf
Adorno, Theodor W - Culture Industry Reconsidered.pdf
Adorno, Theodor W - The Culture Industry.pdf
Adorno, Theodor W. - Anti-semitism and Facist Propaganda.pdf
Adorno, Theodor W. - Carta a Thomas Mann - 10-11-2002.htm
Adorno, Theodor W. - Commitment.pdf
Adorno, Theodor W. - Culture Industry Reconsidered.pdf
Adorno, Theodor W. - Freudian Theory and the Pattern of Fascist Propaganda.pdf
Adorno, Theodor W. - Heiddeger (Terminologia Filosofica).htm
Adorno, Theodor W. - How to Look at Television.pdf
Adorno, Theodor W. - Husserl and the Problem of Idealism.pdf
Adorno, Theodor W. - Music and Language -- A Fragment.pdf
Adorno, Theodor W. - Music, Language, and Composition.pdf
Adorno, Theodor W. - On the Question---What Is German--.pdf
Adorno, Theodor W. - Opinion Delusion Society (The Yale Journal of Criticism).pdf
Adorno, Theodor W. - The Curious Realist--On Siegfried Kracauer.pdf
Adorno, Theodor W. - The Curves of the Needle.pdf
Adorno, Theodor W. - The supramundane character of the Hegelian world spirit.pdf
Adorno, Theodor W. - Theses Upon Art and Religion Today.pdf
Adorno, Theodor W. - Transparencies on Film.pdf
Adorno, Theodor W. - Vorlesung Kyushu 1970.pdf
Adorno.Theodor.W.Negative Dialectics.pdf
Adorno's dialectic.pdf
Adorno - Negative Dialectics.pdf
Adorno - The Schema Of Mass Culture.pdf
ADORNO - The Stars Down to Earth and Other Essays on the Irrational in Culture.doc
Adorno & Heidegger.pdf
Adorno & Horkheimer - The Concept of Enlightenment.pdf
adorno & horkheimer - the culture industry.pdf
aesthetic autonomy in adorno.pdf
Architecture Between Modernity And Dwelling - Reflections On Adorno's Aesthetic Theory.pdf
bowis, a - adorno, heidegger and the meaning of music.pdf
Brian O'Connor - Adorno's Negative Dialectic--Philosophy and the Possibility of Critical Rationality (preface).pdf
Denis Dutton - Cold Reading And Astrology - Theodor Adorno.doc
Dennis R. Redmond - Global Storm(Theodore Adorno's Negative Dialectics)(2001)0.PDF
Dennis R. Redmond - Global Storm(Theodore Adorno's Negative Dialectics)(2001)1.PDF
Dennis R. Redmond - Global Storm(Theodore Adorno's Negative Dialectics)(2001)2.PDF
Dennis R. Redmond - Global Storm(Theodore Adorno's Negative Dialectics)(2001)3.PDF
Dialettica e musica in Th. W. Adorno.pdf
Gracyk, Theodore A. - Adorno, Jazz, and the Aesthetics of Popular Music.pdf
heidegger, adorno and mimesis.pdf
Heidegger, Adorno And The Persistence Of Romanticism.pdf
Henry W Pickford - Critical Models Adorno's Theory And Practice Of Cultural Criticism - The Yale Journal Of Criticism 102.html
Horkheimer, Max & Adorno, Theodor - Walter Benjamin zum Gedächtnis.pdf
In search of a philosophy of praxis in Adorno.pdf
Levin, Thomas Y. - For the Record--Adorno on Music in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility.pdf
Max Horkheimer - On Adorno's Death.pdf
Nealon, Jeffrey T. - Maxima Immoralia- Speed and Slowness in Adorno's Minima Moralia.pdf
O'Connor, Brian - Adorno's Negative Dialectic--Philosophy and the Possibility of Critical Rationality (intro).pdf(1).pdf
O'Connor, Brian - Adorno's Negative Dialectic--Philosophy and the Possibility of Critical Rationality (intro).pdf.pdf
Pizer, John - Jameson's Adorno, or, the Persistence of the Utopian.pdf
Critical Theory and the Crisis of Social Theory.doc

>> Download

Bauman, Zigmunt

Textos de Bauman, uma entrevista e artigos sobre ele.

20th Century.pdf
Am I My Brother's Keeper.pdf
Bauman, Zygmunt - Gewalt, modern & postmodern (1996).pdf
Bauman, Zygmunt - Modernity and Holocaust.pdf
Bauman's Social Thought.pdf
Beilharz, Peter - Modernity and Communism - Bauman and t...
Equality And Difference.pdf
Gift Of Morality.pdf
Interview 2.pdf
Liquid Love.pdf
On Writing Sociology.pdf
Postmodern Uses Of Sex.pdf
Reconnaissance Wars.pdf
Sociological Enlightenment.pdf
Utopia With No Topos.pdf
War Of Recognition.pdf

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Bourdieu, Pierre

Textos escritos por Bourdieu e artigos de outros autores que analisam sua obra. Destaque para " The Forms of Capital", uma descrição simples, clara e precisa do conceito de Capital Cultural, tão disperso ao longo de sua obra.

BOURDIEU - Scattered Remarks.pdf
bourdieu - social space and symbolic power.pdf
Bourdieu From Class to Culture.pdf
BOURDIEU On the Family as a Realized Category.pdf
Bourdieu Pierre - P- Bourdieu and the Limits of Reflexivity.pdf
BOURDIEU The social space and the genesis of groups.pdf
BOURDIEU Thinking About Limits.pdf
BOURDIEU Understanding.pdf
Bourdieu, Pierre - The Aristocracy of Culture.pdf
Bourdieu, Pierre - The forms of capital.doc
Bourdieu, Pierre - The production of Belief.pdf
Bourdieu, Pierre - The Sense of Distinction.doc
bourdieu, pierre - voce disse popular.pdf
Bourdieu, Pierre; Wacquant, Loic - Of the Cunning of Imperialist Reason.pdf
Bourdieu, The Sociology Of Culture And Cultural Studie A Critique.pdf
Derek Robbins - Sociology and Philosophy in the Work of Pierre Bourdieu, 1965-75.pdf
Gender, Habitus and the Field Pierre Bourdieu and the Limits of Reflexivity.htm
Hamel J. - Sociology, Common Sense, and Qualitative Methodology_Bourdieu and Touraine.pdf
Loesberg, Jonathan - Bourdieu and the Sociology of Aesthetic(1).doc
Loesberg, Jonathan - Bourdieu and the Sociology of Aesthetic.doc
Mander 1987 Bourdieu.The Sociology Of Culture & Cultural Studie.A Critique.pdf
Pieere Bourdieu The essence of neoliberalism_ 12-1998.htm
Pierre Bourdieu and the Reproduction of Determinism.pdf
setton, maria - habitus em bourdieu.pdf
Value and Capital in Bourdieu and Marx.pdf
Williams, Raymond - Bourdieu and the sociology of culture.pdf

Total 26 file(s); Size: 23647174 Byte(s)

\Texts in English
BOURDIEU, Planetary vulgateneoliberal.pdf
Bourdieu79, Introduction distinction english.htm
Bourdieu98, essence of neoliberalism.htm

Total 4 file(s); Size: 135442 Byte(s)

Texts in English\Articles Bourdieu Sage
BOURDIEU Making the Economic Habitus.pdf
BOURDIEU On the Family as a Realized Category.pdf
BOURDIEU Scattered Remarks.pdf
BOURDIEU The social space and the genesis of groups.pdf
BOURDIEU Thinking About Limits.pdf
BOURDIEU Understanding.pdf
BOURDIEU, The Organic Ethnologist of Algerian Migration.pdf
WACQUANT Interview Bourdieu Noblesse Etat.pdf

Total 8 file(s); Size: 16583606 Byte(s)

\Texts in French
[Sociologie] Bourdieu La démocratie a besoin de la sociologie.doc
Bourdieu - L'iconoclasme spécifique.htm
Bourdieu A l'illusion messianique.htm
Bourdieu de la maison du roi a la raison d etat.pdf
BOURDIEU, survie culture.rtf
Bourdieu00, vulgate planetaire.htm
Bourdieu02, savoir engage.htm
Bourdieu80, ce que parler veut dire.htm
Bourdieu94, illusion biographique.htm
Bourdieu98, domination masculine.htm
Bourdieu98, essence du neoliberalisme.htm
Bourdieu99, mouvement social europeen.htm
L'espace des points de vue_ - Pierre Bourdieu - 1993 -.htm
Pierre Bourdieu Les chercheurs, la science economique et le mouvement social_- 11-96.htm
Pierre Bourdieu et alii Pour une gauche de gauche_ - 08-04-1998.htm

Total 15 file(s); Size: 687157 Byte(s)

\texts in spanish
bordieu, pierre - campo intelectual y proyecto creativo.pdf
bourdieu - el momento crítico.pdf
bourdieu - la esencia del neoliberalismo.pdf
bourdieu, p. - combatir a la tecnocracia en su propio terreno.pdf
bourdieu, p. - contra el fatalismo económico.pdf
bourdieu, p. - espíritus de estado.pdf
bourdieu, p. - la dominación masculina.pdf
bourdieu, p. - los investigadores y el movimiento social.pdf
bourdieu, pierre - acerca de la television.pdf

>> Download link